© Il Cinema e i Diritti (Cinema and Rights) is an independent “cinetalk” format, absolutely unique in its genre, created by Lele Jandon and Antonello Ghezzi.
Being structured as a TV program, edited and hosted by Lele Jandon, social activist with a degree in Philosophy.
Drawing inspiration from the contemporary philosopher Alain de Botton, our aims are:
- Starting from the movies, getting cues to face many and various social issues, that are absent from political agenda and have not coverage in mass-media;
- Spreading culture by means of our own documentary movies and “cinema-lectures” with the help of splendid images on the screen (photographs and works of art);
- Spreading to everybody in a new, innovative and solemn way, the humanities, whose integral part is cinematographical culture, as suggested by the Greek fret that is followed by the film in our logo © , uniting our being “Homo Videns” with our own “Homo Sapiens”;
- Enjoying the vision of high quality and super-selected films and creating moments of authentic meeting among persons by means of brotherly feelings;
- “Learning to learn”: giving means of autonomous deepening study with a selected bibliography (the recommended books are in exhibition on the hall table) and the concept of “lifelong learning” (Comenius, Czech philosopher);
- Stimulating moral energies and giving practical suggestions for collaboration among citizens of various orientations, contributing to create a strongly shared civic ethics;
- Widening our moral imagination, the capacity to imagine and guess the emotions of our neighbours.