Our Guests (in alphabetical order)

Ani Balian, Armenian Milanese soprano with a vast repertoire, she is popularizer of the history of her people's genocide and author of the recital "1915: Il Canto Spezzato" ("1915: The Broken Chant") based on the popular Armenian chants rescued by the Armenian musicologist Gomidàs who survived the massacre, that she performed live at "Il Cinema e i Diritti".

Enrichetta Buchli, Jungian psychoanalist, writer and free thinker, expert at Shakespeare, formerly Professor of “Dramatic Dynamics within Company Relationships” at Cattolica University of Milan (an interdisciplinary course that is also being taught at the “London School of Economics”);

Maurizio Cortinovis, guardian of a ten donkeys family in a panoramic farm of Bergamo (one hour far from Milan), he works with people with autisms;

Maria Stella D’Andrea, coroner, criminologist expert at victimology in Reggio Emilia, Professor of Social Medicine at the University of Parma, she works with the RIS (Special Scientific Team of Carabinieri military force), expert at fighting paedophilia;

Raffaello Della Penna, historic activist of the LGBT liberation movement, and creator of cultural events addressed to the youth;

Silvia Dumitrache, President of the “Rumanian Women in Italy” association;

Rita De Santis (1938 - 2023), former Philosophy teacher at the high school, former President of “Agedo” (the Italian equivalent of the American PFLAG, “Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gay people” Association), she has been awarded by the President of the Italian Republic;

Andrea Enzi Raffaelli, member of the children rights association “Federico nel cuore”, he made a bike-tour through Italy in order to spread the story of Federico Barakat, a child who was killed by his father at the age of eight in a protected public structure;

Dominique Evoli, actress and teacher of Drama;

Rev. Matthew Fox, Episcopalian pastor, America’s most creative theologian, social activist, author of 30 books (and variuos bestselling books), leader of the Creation Spirituality movement;

Giovanna Gra, scriptwriter and movie producer;

Gerda Hennig, soprano, creator of the “Hennig Method” of singing-therapy, that she spreads as a social activist and “leatitiologist”, as she defines herself, she works with the “Istituto di Psicosintesi” of Milan; formerly a teacher of German language, she graduated in opera singing at the Musikhochschule in Hamburg and graduated in Pedagogy at the University of the same German city.


Pierfrancesco Majorino, spokesman (for two mandates) for the Social and Health Policies of Milan Council, founding father of the “Casa dei Diritti”;

Silvia Manzani, journalist, nursery school teacher, she writes for “Romagna Mamma” (web-journal focused on family issues), she is author of a pioneering book about same-sex parents’ families;

Mercedes Medina, former President of “Venezuelans in Italy” association;

Antonella Penati, social activist, founder President of the children rights association “Federico nel cuore”, so called in honor of her eight-year-old child, Federico, who was killed by his father;

Luciano Peritore, film director, actor, social activist and coach of Krav Maga (self-defence technique of Israeli origin);

Elisabetta Pirro, actress and social activist;

Veronica Pivetti, actress, film director and producer, Flaiano Award winner;

Vittoria Porto  (Porto Vitòria, Brazil, July 5th 1963 - Milan, Italy, May 1st 2018), eclectic artist, award-winning creator of luxury dolls and of the masterpiece installation “La Rinascita di Gaia” (conceived for Expo Milano 2015); 

Anne Stempel, reformed pastor of the Protestant Church of Milan, professor of Religion at the Germanic School of Milan, soprano of the prestigious Choir “Mailänder Kantorei”, she plays trumpets and trombones, holds a doctorate in Theology at the University of Heidelberg and studied in the United States of America the phenomenon of the Great Churches.

Marta Surikova, family assistant and nanny, she emigrated to Italy from Russia;

Benedetta Tobagi, writer, contributor of “La Repubblica” (Italian daily paper), she studied Philosophy, History and Cinema;

Fabio Tranchida, musicologist, opera reviewer, his website is “Il Trillo Parlante”;

Silvia Veronesi, lawyer, she is expert at international adoptions;

Roberta Welt, teacher, voluntary assistant for “Vidas” association, she knew and assisted Mr. Aurelio Conci (Righteous Among Nation);

Roberto Zadik, writer, he hosts cultural events within the Milanese Jewish Community;

Marinella Zetti, contributor for “Il Fatto Quotidiano” (Italian independent daily paper), historic social activist fighting for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases especially among the youth.

The main associations and institutions we worked with are:

  • "AGeDO" (the equivalent of the PFLAG, “Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gay People”);
  • “Asini si nasce e io lo nakkui” (association in defense of donkeys);
  • “La Casa dei Diritti” (House of Rights), institution of the City Hall of Milan;
  • The Municipality of Milan (Department of Social and Health Policies);
  • Consulate General of the United States of America in Milan;
  • Consulate of Lithuanian Republic in Milan;
  • Expo Milan 2015;
  • “Federico nel Cuore” (children rights association);
  • Goethe-Institut Milan
  • Institut Français Milan/CinéMagenta63;
  • “Claudiana” Bookstore of Milan;
  • The University of Milan.